Camellia Club News

Vera Curry displays the camellia quilt that she made to raffle at the January Camellia Show.  Money raised will support the 70th anniversary celebration of the Mobile Club.

Tickets are $2.00 each or three for $5.00.


Elaine Smelley presented a program on the best camellias to grow and show to the Gulf Coast Camellia Society meeting.  She also showed pictures of the unregistered camellia cultivars that she and her husband Jim had developed.
Dr. Bill Bennett presented a program on camellia relatives at the November meeting of the Camellia Club of Mobile.
One of the camellia relative pictures shown by Dr. Bennett.



ormation on family relationships.

Christmas Party



The Christmas party was a tremendous success thanks to wonderful food brought by the members and the outstanding job of organizing the party done by Carolyn Oyler.  Jim Oates did his usual superb job as auctioneer.  Auction winners left with some great camellias, houseplants, gardening and cookbooks, and handcrafted items to decorate the home.  


Click on this link to see the Jim and Elaine garden tour